Mental Arithmetic at Isma Kazakhstan represents the author's methodology - a system of oral counting by using the ancient abacus. It encourages development of quality intellectual skills for children of 4-16 ages. Through our technique, your child will be in the power of any arithmetical tasks that he can handle faster than the calculator. We have been redesigned and improved with centuries of knowledge and now, you have the opportunity to take advantage of our modern learning techniques, which have already been able to prove effective results.
Abacus is an ancient tool for calculations, which is a rectangular frame with spokes and bones separated by a beam. Abacus has been widely used by many ancient civilizations, such as the ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome, India and China. Development of both brain’s hemispheres in particular, made huge contribution into many scientific inventions
Our teaching methodology consider both psychological and age-quality of children. We took all the best experience of the major international schools in mental arithmetic by adding to it the solid personal experience of the author’s methodology and useful ideas.
For each age group of students selected a program that consists of unique lessons. Each lesson takes into account the different types of activities. For older students familiarity with mental arithmetic happens in competitive form, while younger students lessons presented in game form.
Please pay your attention to our convenient schedule: we are working without breaks and days off. Also see the convenient location of our branches – our centers can be found in other cities of Kazakhstan and CIS countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine and Tajikistan
At «ISMA» school you can have experienced psychologist's service for free. At the beginning of the training, our specialist diagnoses each child's skills. This test is then repeated every three months throughout the learning process.
Mental arithmetic contributes to the all-round development of a child.
In addition to the benefits of an IQ level increasing, here you can also add a memory and concentration, creative and analytical thinking. All of these skills will be an excellent basis for building self-confidence and self-reliance.
Your child will be able to show first positive results in learning mental arithmetic already during the first two months. Our program was built the way that from the very first lesson your child will develop photographic memory, learn to focus and calculations on abacus will motivate him to seek solutions in difficult conditions.
In order to achieve quality learning of mental arithmetic, we renounced the use of the traditional system of teaching, which is so popular all over the world. What does it mean? Each group of students learn with the same children from the beginning to end. We do not endorse the system when newcomers are placed in the same group with the continuing ones. Thank to this approach the quality of learning is growing significantly.
The full course consists of 10 levels and lasts 2,5-3 years. 1 time a week. 2 lessons for 45 minutes with a 10-minute break. 1 month = 8 lessons or 4 visits.
5-6 y.o group of children
I option: 2 times a week for 45 minutes
II option: 1 time a week for 90 minutes with two 10-minute breaks
KIDS and Junior groups (school-age children) - 1 time a week for 90 minutes with one 10-minute break
Abacus is an ancient counting frame, and is an inherent part of mental arithmetic. Abacus has more than five thousand years’ history and in spite of this, their popularity is still growing. The efficiency and high performance of working with Abacus has been repeatedly confirmed.
According to the Forbes magazine, abacus is included the most important inventions in the history of mankind. Abacus algorithm is the foundation of modern computer. Now imagine that your child will learn this algorithm in perfection.
Mental arithmetic is an effective training program, by which children learn to calculate in their minds any arithmetical tasks without using a calculator. In addition to acquiring excellent accounting skills, your child will harmoniously develop photographic memory, concentration, observation and imagination, as well as learning to use synchronous logic and creative thinking.The recommended age to start learning is 5-6 years. In statistics, it is between 5 and 16 years that children are actively developing the brain. Due to so-called brain plasticity, cells growth and the rapid neural connections’ formation.
Not to mention that the learning effectiveness in children at older age is weakened due to lower susceptibility of new information. For this reason, parents are strongly advised to actively develop children’s skills at younger age (for example, to learn foreign languages, playing musical instrument and so on)
You can. The only thing you should pay attentions is the difference in the amount of time needed to achieve the same result as a child. As was mentioned earlier, the speed of perception is chaning with age. If the child has only 15 to 20 minutes of daily activity to learn the new information, the adult will need 60 minutes of daily training. Despite this the efficiency of method is obvious. It will be an excellent prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and senile dementia.
We recommend to go through all the mental arithmetic program. Our course consists of several levels of difficulty. So, if from 1 to 4 level child learns to add and substract 3-4-digit numbers in mind, then going through all the course, he will posess the mental skills to divide and multiply, as well as learn how to calculate percentages and find square root. Gradually, thanks to the stable daily training, the child will develp and evolve such skills as imagination, photographic memory, attention, concentration, self-reliance and logical thinking. Three years spent on learning course and above skills development will ensure your child's bright future.
Yes. After passing examinations and standards at the end of each level, the child receives a certificate and a nice gift. We also have an additional reward system where every child collects points that can be exchanged for useful gifts. The development of motivation and healthy competition in children learning is the main advantage of this system.
The main target of mental arithmetic is the development of brain, intellect and useful skills acquirement. Later, this skills will help your child successfully meet the goals, which would undoubtedly affect the school's achievement in all subjects. Due to the fact that our teachers teach not only mental account, they also contribute to the speed of arithmetic.
This means that your child will calculate properly and quickly, with less efforts and time consuming, receiving accurate and excellent results.
There are three components to succeed in learning mental arithmetic. This is the teacher, the student and parents. The main age at which children start to learn mental arithmetic – 5-6 years. At this early age children are still not able to regulate their daily routine, so that is their parents' responsibility. At the initial phase of training it is very important to track child’s homework preparation, to help and prompt him. Daily 15-20 minute workout at home will be a key to successful mental arithmetic learning.
Traditional school has a completely different approach to learning. Child uses only one hemisphere of the brain at each of the lessons. Here is a simlpe example. During the math class the child uses logical thinking to make calculations. However, at drawing lesson – creative thinking is involved. Studying mental arithmetic your child will learn how to work with both hemispheres, using logical and creative thinking at the same time. With the right hemisphere child keeps abacus in mind, while making calculations with left. Getting used to this way of thinking, your child will learn to simultaneously use both hemispheres that will help him easily generate new ideas and quickly find a way out of of any real life situations.
Of course, it is. For groups of 5-6 y.o. children and KIDS group parents preence during first two lessons is permitted. Children that age will need help with their homework. Therefore, parents need to know how to help child as well as control its daily performance.
It's impossible. Due to the fact that during learning the child uses all channels of perceprtion, which are sumplemented by three years of daily workouts, acquired thinking flexibility remains with child for the whole life. These skills driven to automatism become natural for the child.
13 december 2021
Results of the International Olympiad in mental arithmetic in Dubai WAMAS-2021
On September 3-4, 2021, a major International Olympiad in mental arithmetic WAMAS-2021 was held in the Emirate of Dubai. The organizer of the Olympiad was the World Association of Schools of Mental Arithmetic WAMAS.
The WAMAS-2021 Olympics gathered 250 participants in one hall. Due to the current epidemiological situation in the world, the Olympiad was held in 2 streams, the participants were divided into 2 groups to ensure a safe distance between them. During the Olympiad, the participants counted on the abacus (soroban) and mentally more than several thousand problems of different difficulty levels.
20 april 2021
The main event of 2021! International Olympiad in mental arithmetic WAMAS-2021.
The main event of 2021!
International Olympiad in mental arithmetic WAMAS-2021.
We invite all students of schools of mental arithmetic to take part in the International Olympiad in Mental Arithmetic, which will be held on September 3-4, 2021 in Dubai, UAE.
Prize fund of the International Olympiad up to $10,000.
Yevsyukova Tatyana.
My child is 5 years old, we are very pleased with this technique. Thank the teacher Bokulova Bote Serikkanovna. She is a teacher with a big letter. We, the parents, did not expect what our child is capable of
A great deal of gratitude for your work and knowledge that you give to our children. Personally, we wish to thank the Pedagogue Olga Vladimirovna for the work done for our child. Thank you!
From the first lesson, my son is thrilled. Classes are interesting, with positive dynamics. The child has become more attentive, assiduous, in school, while in a relatively recent period. Thank you so much Isma Kazakhstan. The separate gratitude of Asem Bakytkyzy, a wonderful teacher!
Maxim was in love with the school and mathematics. Now makes the lessons on his own. Dream of becoming a designer engineer now
First long doubted whether to give a son to these classes, but after cajoling my wife agreed and as you can see is not wasted. Learned to take me faster.
проспект Bul-Bul, 40
+99470 762-05-05
ул. Алибегова, д. 12,
+375 44 5420420
д. Боровляны, ул. Прушинских, д.52
+375 29 607 89 12, +375 29 238 89 12, 8 017 510 14 27, VK:shkola_poznaika
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+375 29 146 06 66, +375 29 746 06 66, 8 017 250 06 66
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тел: +359 883 20 19 11
Акмолинская область, г. Макинск
ул. Сейфуллина 18б, каб. 311
+7 716 46 2 16 31, +7 778 910 16 00
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Instagram: @isma_zharkent
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+7 771 386 88 88
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Abaya street 142Y
tel. 8 775 452 32 01
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Интаграм: isma_saran
г. Алматы, Бостандыкский район (Абая/Манаса)
ул. 24 июня, д. 27, офис 504
+7 (705) 20 70 370
+7 (747) 38 30 257
Ул. Каблукова 129/4
+7 (727) 395 15 37
+7 701 420 48 75
Almaty city
Al-Farabi Ave., 99, office 25
+7 (702) 924 20 66
+7 (777) 323 34 64 WA
г.Алматы,ул.Каблукова 129/4, Tamos Education физико-математическая школа
тел.: 87012079797, 87476130069
г.Алматы, м-н Нурлы тау, ул.Звездная 100/1, выше Аль-фараби
мкр.Кемел, ул.Жар Жар 54б
Ессильский район
ул. Сауран 5 Г нп 1
isma.nursultan.official@ mail .ru
Инстаграм: isma_astana_official
Астана, пос. Косшы
ул. Коркыт-Ата 32
+7 775 466 52 63
Инстаграм: damu_english
Астана, пос. Косшы
Жилой массив «Лесная Поляна», дом 7
+7 778 502 49 93,
+7 701 520 55 01
Инстаграм: zerde-centre
Телефоны: 8 708 737 77 87
1. г.Актобе, район Астана ул.101 стрелковой бригады, 2а 5 этаж офис 504
2. г.Актобе, район Алматы ж/м Каргалы Нурсити 2 мкр, 21 к1 Тд « Несібе» 3 этаж кабинет Isma Kerimai
3. г.Актобе, район Алматы ж/м Каргалы Нурсити 4 мкр
4. г.Актобе, район Алматы ж/м Кызылжар 2
5. г.Актобе, район Алматы ж/м Каргалы ул.Центральная 10
6. г.Актобе, район Алматы 12 мкр
г.Актобе, с.Каргалинское (ост.Каргала), ул.Центральная 10.
8(7132) 73 60 08, 8 700 787 77 87, 8 747 90000 28
Станция Достык
ул. Алибаева,30
+7 771 578 71 70
Илийский р-н, пос. Отеген батыра, ул. Титова д.41б
+7 707 414 93 78
+7 (727) 306 33 13
+7 (727) 524 77 71
Илийский р-н, пос. Отеген батыра, ул. Титова д.31
+7 (727) 251‒71‒91
+7 (72752) 2‒20‒96
пос. Отеген Батыра, мкр. «Гульдер», Райымбека, 113 (при частной школе «Дана»)
+7 701 207 97 97
+7 707 414 93 78
+7 775 528 9710
+7 (727) 306 33 13
г.Каскелен, ул. Байгазиева, д. 87 (д/с «Немере»)
+7 778 218 30 13
+7 747 287 93 53
мкр. Алтын ауыл, д. 9, кв. 1
+7 771 401 49 38
Карасайский р-н, п. Ушконыр,
Жибек – Жолы, д. 60 а
+7 747 287 93 53
61a, Vodnik-2 microdistrict, Boroldai settlement, Ili district, Kid's center "Umnichka"
+7 747 565 35 22
Жапек Батыр, СШ №4
+7 747 565 35 22
Илийский р-н, п. Чапаевка,
Илийская, д.35,
+7 701 163 35 99
+7(72752) 57111
+7777 5929494
Карасайский р-н, п. Булакты,
ул. Суюнбая, д.44
+7 775 635 78 32
Алматинская обл, Илийски р-он, пос.Отеген Батыра, ул.Титова 41 б, и пос.Байсерке, ул.Аркабая 2-й этаж медцентра
Алматинская область
ул. Томаровского д.1
+7 727 391 57 84
п.Алатау, Ибрагимова 13/1 в ТРК "Алатау center"
+7 727 386 66 06
+7 705 809 03 48
Аксуский район, с.Жансугурова ул.Желтоксан 23
+7 775 333 24 77
Алматинская область, Алакольский район, г.Ушарал
+7 701 400 44 91
Алматинская обл., Енбекшиказахский р-н., с. Акши
Школа Батыр
+7 707 124 03 91
Алматинская обл., Карасайский р-н., сельский округ Райымбек, п. Булакты
ул. Жастар 14/2
+7 707 836 39 18
Сарыозек, ул. Мадибекулы 127
+7 707 423 93 84
Интаграм: isma_kz_saryozek
Ул. Абая, д. 60, офис 314
+7 701 565 16 27
+7 747 594 97 17
Авангард 4 мкр, ул. Гумарова 90А. (Рядом с обл.роддомом)
+7 708 420 70 07
+7 708 420 70 06
+7 (7122) 20-70-07
+7 (7122) 20-70-06
+7 701 723 83 24
Атырау ст.Сағыз
Сұлтан-Бейбарыс 19 үй
+7 701 436 79 86, +7 775 590 19 79
Шашубая 3Б, бизнес центр «Кулия»
+7 700 372 38 90
с. Курчум
ул. Бунтовских, 19
+7 705 502 09 49
ул.Татиева 62, 13 кабинет
+7(775) 683 78 68
Ул Каюпова 30
8705 149 08 38
инстаграм: isma_altai
Мангистауская область
мкр. Самал, дом 28, офис 4
+7 701 493 90 22
Инстаграм: isma_zhanaozen
ул. Приканальная, дом 19/1
Тел: 87781193031
ул. Баймагамбетова 160, кабинет 313
Телефоны: +7 771 281 4876
Инстаграм: isma.kostanay
5 мкр , Д 3 М, офис 9
+7 777 923 02 52, +7 776 680 93 43
Инстаграм: isma_kostanay
г. Павлодар, ул. Камзина 33
+7 747 378 7240
141, Parkovaya st. office 302
Аскерова Аяжан Кенжекызы
пр. Независимости, 12 А (центр «ROST»)
+7 (776) 854 08 48
СКО р-н Габита Мусрепова, с.Новоишимское, ул.Абылай Хана, д.24
СКО Кызылжарский р-он, а.Бесколь
+7707 626 60 00
СКО, Уалихановский р-н, с. Кишкенеколь
ул, Гагарина, д. 93
+7 775 624 84 23
С. Кожанов 49А
+7 771 675 63 63
+7 702 839 17 07
Тауке хан 160
+7 771 675 59 59
+7 775 820 29 99
Проспект Достык - Дружба 218, здание УФЭК.
г. Урджар
Пр. Абылайхана, 142 (здание быт. комбината)
+7 (777) 854 08 48, +7 (707) 154 08 48
г. Шахтинск
пр. Абая Кунанбаева 65 а, 3 этаж
+7 775 996 21 32
ул. Айбейбергенова б\н (здание рядом с турфирмой "Саяхат", 2 этаж)
+7 702 940 55 08, +7 707 150 22 30
Инстаграм: shymkent.isma
ЮКО, Мактаральский район, г.Жетысай
ул.Байтурсынова №35
+7 775 233 30 07, +7 702 643 43 63
ЮКО г.Кентау пр.Яссави д.98, кв.23
Таласская обл
с. Покровка
ул. Кояшева 28
+996 552 192 010, +996 707 580 036
г. Токмок
Советская 96
0706444781, +996 706 444 781
ул.Киевская, д.190, пер. ул.Турусбекова
+996 706 808 808
г. Бишкек, ул Киевская 190/1
+996 706 808 808
+996 312 890 055
7 мик 15/4
+996 312 89 00 55
ул. Ленина, 17
+0551 8012 12
+0773 77 22 55
Instagram: @ismakarabalta
ул. Абдыразакова 14а
+996 706 188 288, +996 553 778 998
UAE, Dubai, Jumeirah Lakes Towers, cluster P, Armada 2, office 3605
+971 505 677 686
ул. Луначарского, д.42 (3 этаж)
Чеченская Республика,город Гудермес
ТЦ «Жемчужина» 3 этаж кабинет 25, улица Белореченская 41
Instagram: isma95gudermes
Алтайский край
г. Заринск
ул. Металлургов, 9, офис 107
8 983 384 06 18
пгт. Черноморское
ул. Революция 8/1
+7 9782 05 600
Алтайский край, г. Барнаул, ул Анатолия,35 а
+7 963 520 74 74
+7(3852) 20 30 83
ул. Николая Отрады 4А
+7 927 510 00 81, +7(8442) 500-081
Инстаграм: @isma34_shkola, ВКонтакте
город Вологда, Ярославская 25 а, 3 этаж
+7 900 501 47 37
+7 172 29 20 37
г.Грозный, микрорайон Ипподромный, ул. А.Айдамирова, б/н
тел.: +7 928 789 84 89
Чеченская Республика,город Грозный
улица Лорсанова 9
Instagram: isma95grozny
г. Иваново
мкр. Московский, 14а, корпус 1
+7 4932 34 46 64
г. Иваново
ул.Садовая, д.36
+7 960 512 15 22, +7 4932 59-05-07
г. Иваново
ул. Дюковская, 19
г. Кисловодск, ул.Розы Люксембург 50.
8 928 330 27 77
Аллея Труда, 64
+7 963 820 17 75
+7 (4217) 30 17 75
ул. Дикопольцева 29/1, этаж 2
+7 963 820 17 75
+7 (4217) 30 17 75
Краснодарский край, Станица Кущёвская, пер.Куцева 54/А
+7 918 950 17 17
г. Миасс
пр. Октября, д. 5, оф. 205
+7 951 112 01 03
Moscow region, Solnechnogorsk town, 1/17, Lesnaya st, 2nd floor, premise 2 (Shopping Center "Sphere", entrance from the yard)
тел.: +7 977 977 43 04
КП Петровский, Суворовская улица 1
+7 916 0940021
Россия, Ямало-Ненецкий автономный округ,
г. Надым,
ул. Зверева, дом 42
Телефон: +7 912 911 27 88
ул. Дунаева, 9
+7 969 764 75 25, +7 960 192 17 52
Одинцово, Новая Трехгорка, ул.Чистяковой, 48. +7(925) 577 55 35
ул. Маршала Г.К. Жукова, дом 24
+7 (3532) 43 23 34
ул. Комбайновая, д.26
+7(4912) 37 37 27
ул. Новоселов, д.37
+7(4912) 90 91 16
пос.Управленческий, ТЦ КУБ, офис 208
+7 927 732 24 44
Fb: @summus2018
ул. Молодежная, д. 14, офис 4
+7 927 732 24 44
Fb: @summus2018
ул. Астана Кесаева, 20, оф 3-Б
+7 978 796 11 10
Instagram: isma_sev
Республика Крым, г. Симферополь, ул. Долгоруковская д33 кв 2.
+7 978 092 02 00
г.Тамбов ул. Советская, д. 85а, офис 111
+ 7 (902) 9393909
г. Тюмень
ул. Республики 14/7, 3 этаж
ул. Героев Труда, 44, кабинет 4.
+7 902 173 35 74, +7 908 777 11 71
Краснодарский край, г.Усть-Лабинск, ул. Ленина, д. 24
8 928 436 07 07
г Челябинск, ул.Академика Сахарова д.2,
+7 908 709 39 10
+7 908 701 29 29
+7 908 701 28 28
Мирзо Улугбекский р-н, ул. Паркентская дом 1/47
+998 71 267 66 39, +998 93 392 70 70, +998 93 524 75 90,
город Ташкент, Миробадский р-он, ул.Мехржон, дом 61
Телефон: +998996419946
г.Ташкент, Сергелийский район, Сергели 6, ул.Мехригиё
+998977650966, +998977771576
tel. +90 552 846 70 63