Thanks for the mental arithmetic. The knowledge of mathematics has improved noticeably, and the child has become well educated. I think the knowledge gained will be useful in the future. Thank you, our Gulnur Apai Office of the orbit for her work!
A great deal of gratitude for your work and knowledge that you give to our children. Personally, we wish to thank the Pedagogue Olga Vladimirovna for the work done for our child. Thank you!
From the first lesson, my son is thrilled. Classes are interesting, with positive dynamics. The child has become more attentive, assiduous, in school, while in a relatively recent period. Thank you so much Isma Kazakhstan. The separate gratitude of Asem Bakytkyzy, a wonderful teacher!
Maxim was in love with the school and mathematics. Now makes the lessons on his own. Dream of becoming a designer engineer now